" ... My husband and I feel as though we are better equipped as parents because of the support we received.... "
~Shanna H.
~Shanna H.

Babies By The Blue Ridge ~ Doulas and More
The ways I work to support families...
~ DOULA WORK : supporting families once home with their new baby, offered in home or virtually.
~ BABIES BY THE BLUE RIDGE Consults on Montessori home based learning : providing in home and also virtual support to parents to create a stimulating, safe, home based Montessori learning and living experience.
~CONSULTING FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN under 6 years old: one on one consultations on various aspects of their child's development which they may have concerns about.
~ PARENT CHILD SUPPORT GATHERINGS: various meet ups for families with children pre birth to six years.
~ DOULA TRAINING AND MENTORING: Supporting postpartum doulas who are new to this form of service to families.
Babies By The Blue Ridge began 28 years ago as a small idea one day while nursing my infant daughter... how could I bring two separate parts of my past that I felt so deeply about to my then new surroundings here amidst the Blue Ridge Mountains?
This reflection soon became Montessori Open Mornings (or MOMs), a parent child program I began in Charlottesville in 1996, where parents joined me in becoming their children’s guides for the morning in my carefully prepared Montessori environment. Parents in effect learning alongside their children and often, I’m now told, making lifelong friends in the process as they relaxed with other parents who share a common vision for their children.
Years later, my small Montessori Infant Toddler Program called "Babies By The Blue Ridge" grew out of MOMs, when my first grandchild turned one and was ready to explore the world of friends without her parents. She instead came three mornings a week and explored with me, her "Tia". (Now I am called "Tia" by every child who passes through my program) For ten years I offered this opportunity for very young children , under 4 years of age, who came and learned together in a Montessori environment, without their parents. It included a Summer Camp full of outdoor adventure as well.
The BABIES BY THE BLUE RIDGE Montessori home based learning program, as it is now called , assists families as they design a Montessori learning experience safely under their own roof for their children ages birth to 6 years.
Eventually, in 2010 I began Doula work. I find it to be a meaningful role which encompasses all of my past experience and training. I offer support to parents and their newborn(s) serving as their Postpartum Doula. I believe every family deserves a doula, to give the kind of experienced, caring attention most needed when beginning life with a newborn in the family. Read on or go to Month10Doulas in Charlottesville (www.month10.com) to learn more about my work.
In 2018 I launched a nonprofit which I founded called Nearby Baby, (www.nearbybaby.org) which provides trained postpartum doula support to under resourced families in the Charlottesville area at little or no charge. We have served 60 families since its inception.
I also train and mentor women interested in becoming a Doula. I do so through a 6 week doula training which I designed, (offered virtually and in person). Additionally I provide shadowing and mentorship opportunities as well as one on one consultations with those new to the field of postpartum doula support.
Doula work gradually led to consulting one on one with families seeking perspective on their child’s development or assistance in creating their child(ren)’s home environment. I provide evidence based information to parents (and often their nannies too), on what to provide in the home to their children at each stage of their development.
I also offer coaching support in person and virtually to groups of parents as they navigate the many challenges and transitions beginning at birth through their children’s first six years. In a competitive world awash in information it can be very helpful to have the support of someone who has raised children, has many years of training and experience working with young children and their families, and who brings a non-judgmental perspective to meet a family’s specific needs.
So this is Babies By The Blue Ridge.
Read on and learn in more detail about these services I provide. Then please call or email to see how I can best help you and your family.
"Our time at Babies By the Blue Ridge, from when my son was 6 months until 21 months old, brings back fond memories of an idyllic and enriching environment . Cynthia not only filled his days with the joys of Montessori discoveries, but with the love and compassion of an experienced educator and doula. Theo was welcomed to explore the natural world in a safe and inviting way, and the skills he acquired then remain part of his learning repertoire now. Also, Cynthia's ability to foster a positive dynamic between the children of his "class" helped us develop close relationships to those families (which we've maintained to this day). I am grateful for our time there and feel lucky that Theo was able to be a part of such a rich developmental experience." ~ Jen Fleisher
Cynthia Jordan Fisher 434.960.7077 [email protected] www.babiesbytheblueridgedoulasandmore.weebly.com